ABOUT austin

I am Austin Hines and I am an MK who grew up in the wonderful countries of Zambia and Mozambique. They are both located on the beautiful continent of Africa. Over the course of my life, I was able to live in 4 countries and on 3 continents. At one point in my life, I lived on three different continents, in three consecutive years. I was 7 years old when my family moved to live and work in Zambia. We spent three years there and then moved to Mozambique where I spent the rest of my school years. We also spend a year in Portugal for language school prior to moving to Mozambique. I loved my experiences as an MK and wouldn’t change them for the world.
It was definitely hard at times, but looking back on it, I am so thankful for the experiences and world views that I have now as an adult. I received my degree in K-12 Physical Education and for the past four years I have served as an Elementary PE teacher and High School football coach. I recently joined the ISMK office to be able to help younger MKs who are experiencing the same trials and struggles that I did as a kid. I feel like the things I learned can be things that I can translate as lessons for younger MKs and hopefully be able to help them on their journeys. I want to see MKs not just survive where they are living, but thrive in their countries and corners of the world they now call home. There is an abundance of experiences in front of them and I want to help facilitate the healthy experience, of these amazing opportunities. I will be working on the pastoral care side of ISMK and will have the incredible opportunity to work with all of our MKs around the world in various capacities. I am so blessed to be able to do what I am doing and know the importance of this role and do not take it lightly. I have experienced firsthand the impact the MK office can have in a young person and what a critical role they can play in the healthy transition of young MKs. I think MKs are some of the most interesting and unique people in this world and I look forward to working with you all.
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Austin Hines
1445 N. Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802