Chevron Link Book Article Post

Change is Inevitable – It Will Happen.

Dargan and I have been directing ISMK for ten years now. Recently I’ve been reminiscing about the many changes that have taken place over those years.

The summer program location has changed several times: 2002—Central Bible College (CBC) campus; 2003—Evangel University (EU) campus; and 2008—back to CBC, and the event was shortened to three weeks. And now, with the consolidation of the three Springfield schools, we are once again looking at changes to the summer program. The main location will remain at the old CBC campus, but the MK programs will function a bit differently.

Summer 2013 was momentous for ISMK. The junior and senior high programs moved to Camp Eagle Rock (just north of the Arkansas border in Missouri) during Missionary Renewal. That experience was amazing.

Changes are good—they give us opportunities to revive and thrive in new settings. Each year we evaluate our resources and locations and take a fresh look at our process. We recognize change as a gift to make our program stronger and even more effective. Our goal is consistent: we want to produce the best MK program anywhere in the world.

Make a mental list of some Bible MKs, such as Joseph, Moses, and Daniel , and the major changes they went through. God was with them through their entire journey of change. The process was not easy, but it strengthened them.

All of you understand change and how difficult it can be. We all know what it’s like to say good-bye to friends and family. We have all cried through transition. While change is never easy, the process can be great for us! In the midst of change, God is growing us to be better servants for His kingdom.

Remember to keep your eyes on the end goal, which is not to settle down in one place, but rather to settle down in our relationship with Him. No matter what change you are going through right now, remember God is with you. Keep your eyes on Him, and He will not only get you through that change—He will strengthen you in the process.

Stay tuned to ISMK and Facebook for updates on the coming summer program! Though final decisions have yet to be made, we know there will be noteworthy changes. Pray with us through the twists and turns, and we will continue to pray with you through yours as well.

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