Happy Spring, friends! I love new seasons because they often represent what’s going on in me as much as what’s happening around me. My current season is about learning to release striving and start receiving grace. After a lifetime of faith, you’d think grace would be a no-brainer, but for me it’s one of the hardest concepts to accept, let alone live in. Thankfully the Lord is patient and intentional and as He and I journey together, I’m learning just how freeing His grace really is. The more I receive His gift, the more I can give it. If you’re like me and need a reminder or even a revelation of grace, spend time in Romans and let the Holy Spirit reveal Himself to you. You can also pick up John Lindell’s book Soul Set Free here and enjoy my play-on-repeat song Jireh by Maverick City here.
The past few months have been full of online and in-person conferences, trainings and mentoring. We recently moved our MK Ministries offices and now have a better-equipped space to host online events. Our first event was a virtual retreat for 50 MKs in Latin America and it was awesome! We have several events coming up, including online Missionary Training and Renewal, so our new space is a huge blessing and resource.

I’ve been co-leading reentry sessions for high school seniors who are returning to the US for college in the fall and I continue to connect with and help disciple MKs on regular Zoom calls. I’ve loved spending time with MKs in-person and some of my favorite conversations as of late have been with young adult MKs about faith and living it out in our current American culture. I’ve been challenged and able to challenge as we’re all navigating it together. Whether in person or online, it’s been amazing to see the resiliency of our MKs this past year through all the ups and downs. While they face unique challenges, they are also uniquely equipped!

Thank you for partnering with me and praying for me as I endeavor to serve MKs through pastoral care. Please keep the MK Ministry team in your prayers as we gear up for a busy summer of MK ministry.
How Can I Pray For You?
I’d love to pray with you for any needs you may have, please drop me a note here to let me know how I can be praying!