When I lived in the UK, each time Easter rolled around I felt a mix of emotions. I was grateful to the Lord who died and rose for me, thankful I walk daily in the freedom of His truth. But I felt a wave of sadness and concern for the majority around me who had no regard or understanding of what Easter really meant. It was just another Sunday that held no special meaning in an un-churched nation. So many of our missionaries serve in nations where Easter is not celebrated and it’s meaning is not understood. That’s why there is such an urgency to make Him known.
As you celebrate Jesus this Easter, may you be prompted to share His story with someone who doesn’t know it. Remind them of His love and why this Sunday is not like any other. Pray for His truth to be revealed and pray for our missionaries who represent Him around the world this Easter.
Can I Share With You?
I still have some weekend openings in 2019 and would love to come to your church and share about missions and MKs! Would you prayerfully consider having me this year? I’m always happy to come on Sundays but I love joining smaller groups during the week as well. If you’d like to connect, just click here.
Giving InfoI still need $1,600 in montly pledges this year. Sometimes raising a budget seems daunting, but I know the Lord provides miracle after miracle! As I work to raise this amount, I could use your help and prayers in making this goal happen.
If you’ve considered joining my financial team, now’s the time to take the plunge! You can set up monthly giving or give a one time gift here.
If you haven’t already filled out a pledge form, you can do that here.
www.giving.ag.org (AGWM Acct. #294597)
Prayer Point1) Please pray for travel safety as I spend a lot of hours in the car each week.
How can I pray for you? Please click here to send me your prayer need!