What Would Be
What a year 2020 has already been! Life looks a little different than most of us expected it would. Like many of you, I have a “would be” list of where I would be right now. This month I would have been helping with MK Task Forces in places like Thailand, Costa Rica and Greece but my travel has been canceled or postponed and it is disappointing. I’ve talked with many MKs who are also disappointed about what would be happening in their lives right now – MKs who are stuck outside their country and don’t know when they’ll be able to return, a family who was given only 2 days’ notice to take the last evacuation flight out of their country, an MK who is stuck in one country while his parents are stuck in another, graduations that won’t happen, goodbyes that won’t be said. There is a lot of grief and disappointment in what would be. But I’m amazed at the resiliency of these MKs. “We’re used to change, it’s the only constant thing in our lives”, one said. So many have expressed how grateful they are for their MK experience because it has prepared them for this time of unknowns and uncertainties. I love how the Lord has gifted MKs with a unique global perspective that helps them navigate what they can’t control. And I love how God takes what would be in our lives and uses it as an opportunity to rely on him for our peace in the disappointment.
I pray you are finding peace in your disappointment and unknowns of your life right now. His plan is bigger than ours!
Making the Most of It
Thanks to technology, ministry hasn’t slowed down at all and I’m still able to connect with MKs around the globe. My days are filled with video calls and messages while my team and I work hard to reach our MKs and keep them engaged. We’re leading weekly discipleship and discussion groups, reentry sessions, quarantine challenges, worship and story times and over Easter we helped with the first-ever virtual MK retreat for teens from Latin America. We’ve found that this season has presented really unique opportunities and open doors for new ways of connection in the MK community so we’re doing what we can to make the most of it!

Before and after and social distancing! As of late, my days are filled with one-on-one and group calls like these. Even though we’re separated and stuck at home in our different countries, I’m grateful I get to see these sweet faces and hear their stories each week.

Fully Funded!
After a year of itineration, I am thrilled to report that I am fully funded! Thanks to countless individuals and churches, 100% of my cash and monthly budget is now raised! This past year has been full of miracles and mercy as God has used so many of you to pour into my life and ministry. It isn’t easy asking for help but time and time again I asked and you gave. You encouraged, you prayed, you sacrificed and you came alongside me. I’m very grateful and want to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have been part of this journey. It feels so good to get back to MK ministry and I have YOU to thank for that!