Click through the tabs below for everything you need to know about MK Life at MT/MR
These are the ground rules for the MK Program:
• No put-downs, not even of yourself
• While one person talks, everyone else listens
• Everyone participates in every activity
• Respect all leaders and use their appropriate name/title (Bwana, Program Coordinator, Chief, etc.)
Memorizing the MK verse is a very important part of being an MK. This verse can encourage you when you
go through hard things. If you don’t know the actions to this verse, ask your Chief to teach you!
“If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.” Psalms 139:9-10
The MK song & chant are fun things we like to sing or say a lot throughout the summer, but
especially when we are leaving or coming back to campus.
MK SONG (to the tune of “Grand Ole Flag”)
If you look at me, And you wonder what you see,
I may be tall, thin, or fat, dark or fair.
I may have long hair, Or freckles there,
But I’m somethin’ extra special, can’t you see?
For my heart beats true to the red, white, and blue, And I love my Lord Jesus too.
So, you old-timers, don’t forget, I’m an MK, a Missionary Kid. YEAH!
MK Chant
We’re rough / We’re tough / We’ve got the stuff / We’re young / We’re bold / We’re completely sold.
I’m telling the story / That must be told.
The task is great / The workers are few.
I’m goin’ over / How ‘bout you?
This is the MK flag. It was created while Paul Dobson was Bwana. He asked MKs around the world to submit ideas for the flag design. This is the idea that won, and it has been our official flag ever since. The blue section of the flag represents the MK’s passport culture. The yellow section represents the MK’s new culture. The chameleon in the middle is named “Miko.” The name comes fromthe letters “MK” and was also chosen by MKs through a survey.
MKs often feel like they don’t belong to one single culture but rather take pieces of both cultures and blend them in their lives. That is why MKs are represented by the green chameleon, Miko! They are green
because they are a blending together of two cultures, the blue and the yellow. The chameleon signifies an MK’s ability to adapt to their surroundings and blend into the culture in which they are living at the time.
During MT-PFO and MR Evangel campus hosts Assemblies of God World Missions as well as other campus activities. The MK Program wants to do everything we can to respect not only the physical campus, but also those who are working in offices. Please be sure to pick up your trash, do not damage or destroy Evangel’s property, and respect all persons in authority including Evangel’s personnel.
If you are released from program without a parent, please be aware that there may be sessions going on in classrooms, or babies may be sleeping in dorm rooms.
Please read and follow these guidelines:
• No running in any Evangel buildings
• No loud shouting or loud noises inside (unless you are with your program and in your program room)
• Please do not play in elevators
• Pick up all trash and your personal items
• Do not damage or destroy Evangel’s property
• Do not play games inside buildings (i.e. no hide and seek or tag)
• If you are in charge of watching a younger sibling, please make sure you keep them with you